This is the largest bracelet project I am attacking is the Avatar plain logo bracelet..... 21 strings of evil..... it must be like Fire Lord Ozai!!! :) hahaha funny, but this is a huge project and since I have done nothing like it before I am declaring it not for sale because I never sell what I call prototypes or a first of anything. Sorry- but if it works I will be thrilled to make another in any colors! This monster takes 5 skeins of DMC embroidery floss to make and a lot of knotting! Remember if attempting such things- the knot is all in your wrist- don't wear out your full arm and your fingers pull with your wrist and elbow moving the knot up and be sure to double knot as well! I'm setting a goal of finishing this bahemoth (is that how that's spelled?) by the Fourth of July- so in 9 days from now the bracelet or possible anklet will be completed! A picture will be posted now for a before picture and the date of completion as after!

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